See the world in a new way
It’s not just what you see, it’s how you see it. Open your eyes. Create a new view of the world. You’ll develop a heightened sense of what you see, how you see and how you communicate visually. Work in visual art is both creative and critical. It’s about seeing, thinking, feeling and doing. And about knowing, understanding and communicating.
Bridgewater will supply you with the tools and the training, leaving the creative execution up to you. Visual communication is a multi-layered puzzle, and our instructors will show you how to solve problems effectively and clearly, paving the way for your vision.
Art Practitioner in Residence, Ron Alabanza
One of the things that is majorly lacking in today’s world is creativity. We are afraid to attempt something we have never tried before. The art major is the breaking of that boundary.
Christopher Michael, Art Major ’14
Explore Department of Art
Art Faculty
Meet the faculty of the art department. Students will learn from faculty who are actively creating their own art while personally mentoring students.