Experts available to speak
The Bridgewater College faculty and staff members listed in the Speakers Bureau are available to address community organizations and groups, schools and churches and as a resource for members of the media. The Bridgewater College media relations office provides this service for the community.
A variety of subjects are included in the Speakers Bureau. Many of the speakers have areas of interest and expertise outside of their academic/professional pursuits.
Your group is encouraged to get acquainted with the treasure of talent and expertise available at BC.
To Request a speaker
1. Select your speaker(s) and topic(s). Speakers are listed alphabetically, along with their chosen topics.
2. Contact us at the phone number and/or email listed below.
Speaker Bureau Directory

Mark Griffin
- College Admissions for the Student-Athlete: There are many requirements for high school students who want to play sports in college. This session focuses on the required courses, test scores, etc.
- Helping High-School Students Prepare for College : Going from high school to college is a big transition for young adults socially and academically. This session helps students prepare for the challenge
- Understanding the College Admissions Process : The college admissions process includes admissions, financial aid and visits. This session provides a road map of the process.

Dr. Jamie Frueh
- Conflict, Conflict Resolution and Peace: This topic discusses war and the resolution of conflict short of war, understanding conflict at all levels, peace and the politics of peace.
- Foreign Policy: Frueh talks about U.S. interactions with the world.
- Globalization and HIV Prevention Campaigns: This presentation focuses on emerging research on how messages about HIV/AIDS are translated between global and local actors.
- International Affairs: Frueh discusses global political, economic and cultural issues.
- South Africa’s Transition from Apartheid: This topic explores the political transition from racist social order to democracy and its lessons for other contexts.

Dr. Stanley A. Galloway
- Edgar Rice Burroughs and Tarzan: A discussion of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ life and how it contributed to the development of his most famous literary character, Tarzan.

Dr. Bobbi G. Gentry
- Elections: This presentation provides an explanation of election laws, requirements and differences between states. Specializing in youth voting, Gentry can comment on recent trends in youth voting and predictions for future elections. She has been interviewed by the New York Times about this issue, as well as by state and local media.
- Preparing for the AP United States Government and Politics Exam: As a grader for the Advance Placement (AP) exam for many years, Gentry provides training and information on how to better prepare for the essay section of the exam.
- Teaching Government: How can I better teach American government in my classroom?
- Youth Voting Behavior: Why do some young people vote and others do not?

Dr. Chase Hale
- Examination of Orthopedic Injuries: Chase will provide an overview of orthopedic injuries. Often, these injuries relating to the muscles, bones and joints are a result of overuse or trauma to the body during both sport and non-sport related activities.
- Emergency Care of Athletic Injuries: In this presentation, Chase will discuss emergency preparedness and management for acute sport-related injuries and illnesses.
- Prevention and Management of Environmental Injuries & Illnesses: A discussion on how to prevent and manage environmental injuries and illnesses during outdoor recreational and sport activities.

Dr. Donna H. Hoskins
- Early Childhood Development: Learn about the physical and socio-emotional development of children.
- Parenting 101: Learn the parenting skills that can influence a child’s behavior.
- Parenting Styles and Child Outcomes: Examine your parenting style and learn how it is associated with child outcomes.
- Teenage Pregnancy: This topic looks at the predictors of teenage pregnancy. Learn what communities and families can do to target this issue.
When should I submit a request for a speaker?
Please submit your Speakers Bureau request at least four weeks in advance of your event. If you plan to publicize your event in a newsletter or other publication, be sure to submit your request well in advance of the deadline for publication.
Is there a fee?
The Speakers Bureau is a community service provided by Bridgewater College. There is no fee for the service. However, if the speaker will be required to travel or if the event includes a meal, reimbursement for travel or a complimentary meal would be appreciated.
The Speakers Bureau coordinator will make every effort to provide you with your choice of speakers. If you have any questions, please contact the media relations office at 540-828-5486.
Speakers may be obtained by contacting:
Logan Bogert