Celebrate student achievements
Bridgewater College uses Merit Pages to recognize and celebrate student accomplishments, such as making the Dean’s List, being awarded a scholarship, studying abroad, landing an internship, conducting research, receiving athletic team accolades and more. Students have access to their individual online profiles through Merit and can personalize their pages by adding a photo, club activity and more. This College-verified account can serve as an online resume when students apply for jobs and internships. In addition, students can easily share their good news with family, friends and their supporters through social media. Parents also may receive notifications about their student’s accomplishments.

What is a Merit Page?
A Merit page is a compilation of a student’s accomplishments. It includes College-verified achievements, as well as additional activities and work experience added by the student.
How does Merit work?
- The Office of Marketing and Communications receives notice about a student award, honor or achievement and publishes a personalized article about that student to Merit. The article is also sent to a student’s hometown newspaper, former high school and current government representatives.
- Students receive an email to their Bridgewater College account with a link to view their story on Merit and with shareable links for Facebook and Twitter. Parents also receive an email about their student’s accomplishments, with shareable social media links.
- Students may customize their Merit pages by adding photos, bios, club involvement and work experience.
- Bridgewater College student Merit pages were created in compliance with our FERPA policy, but students may opt out of Merit at any time (see below).
How do I access my Merit page?
- Visit Bridgewater College’s Merit page (http://Bridgewater.MeritPages.com) and search for your name, then click on the link to your page.
- Click on the “Is this you?” link under the profile picture and enter your bridgewater.edu email address.
- Check your Bridgewater email for a message from Merit with log-in instructions and steps on how to claim your Merit page, and select privacy settings and permissions.
- Customize your page with a photo, achievements and work and internship experience.
How can I submit an achievement?
Students, faculty and staff may submit announcements about student achievements for consideration for Merit. To submit an achievement, use the Merit page contribution form or email jluck@bridgewater.edu.
How can I opt out or adjust my page’s privacy settings?
Students can control their privacy settings on their Merit pages and may also opt out of Merit at any time. Opting out of Merit not only removes a student’s page from Bridgewater College’s Merit page (Bridgewater.MeritPages.com) but also prevents Bridgewater College or any other participating Merit organization from being able to publish achievements about that student in the future. To opt out, students can email meritpages@bridgewater.edu or reply to the email from Merit sent to their student account. Students may opt back into Merit at any time by emailing help@meritpages.com.
Email meritpages@bridgewater.edu.