Pursue a career in coaching

The coaching minor program at Bridgewater College seeks to prepare competent and quality coaches, in line with the National Standards for Sport Coaches, who will become reflective and transformational leaders in their sport and communities.
The coaching minor program focuses on combining the science and practice of coaching to help students develop the knowledge and skills to effectively coach as well as understand why certain coaching practices are important to implement. Core to our training of coaches is the development of the whole person as our future coaches are encouraged to develop an athlete-centered philosophy, promote life skill development, and see coaching as teaching student-athletes physical as well as mental skills.
Our curriculum incorporates a learner-centered approach using a variety of instructional strategies to meet students’ varied learning styles and experiences and help students develop the knowledge and skills to be an effective coach. The program also incorporates several practical learning experiences (e.g., case studies, coach observations, micro-teaching) culminating in a coaching practicum where the students apply what they have learned as well as reflect on their own coach development.
To attest to the quality of the program, the coaching minor program has been accredited by the National Committee for Accreditation of Coaching Education (NCACE), making it the first undergraduate program at a private, four-year liberal arts college to be accredited.
This minor may be taken with any major, including health and physical education or health and exercise science.
Specific requirements for the minor and concentrations can be found in the College Catalog.