Thank you for registering for Homecoming. The Alumni Relations team is excited to welcome you HOME.
Get Homecoming ready by purchasing an Alumni Shirt, booking a hotel and reviewing the Homecoming Weekend FAQs which will enhance your Homecoming experience!
Check out these other unique and fun opportunities to participate (with additional registrations) whether you are attending in person or virtually.
Additional In-person Events

Career Connections Fair
Thursday, October 10
11 a.m.-4 p.m. Funkhouser Center
Event and registration details
The Career Connections Fair is an opportunity for BC students to network with alumni and employers to explore potential majors, careers, and industries while learning how their academic and personal interests can lead to successful careers. Register now »

Eagles Golf Classic
Friday, October 11
8 a.m.-4 p.m.
Lakeview Golf Club; 4101 Shen Lake Drive, Harrisonburg
Event and registration details
Join the excitement on the green with us for the annual Eagles Golf Classic on Friday, October 11, 2024! This fundraiser is a four-player captain’s choice format with two sessions beginning at 8:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Register now »

5K Run/1 mile Walk
Friday, October 11
5 p.m. Nininger Hall or Virtual
Event and registration details
Join the 5k run/1-mile walk through the town of Bridgewater or participate virtually (October 21-30) in your own community. Sign up today!

Homecoming Virtual Opportunities
Homecoming is a time for ALL Eagles to celebrate their love of BC…whether you are attending in person or not we’ve got you covered with fun virtual opportunities. Participate in the Virtual 5K, submit an entry into the coloring contest (prizes available in all age ranges), take part in the virtual spirit week (LOTS of giveaways) and give your social media accounts a #BCHomecoming2024 makeover.

A reunion celebration is only a success if your classmates come back to celebrate with you. Contact your friends to encourage them to attend and support the class gift in honor of your reunion. If you are interested in volunteering, fill out our Volunteer form or email and a Bridgewater College representative will contact you.