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Awards and Recognition

Celebrate the exceptional accomplishments and contributions of graduates who have excelled in various fields, from professional endeavors to community service. These distinguished individuals exemplify the values and spirit of Bridgewater College, inspiring current and future students to strive for excellence and make a positive impact on the world. Acknowledge the remarkable success and dedication of someone special by submitting a nomination form.

Distinguished Alumnus/a Award

The Distinguished Alumnus/a Award was established to annually recognize one alumnus/a of Bridgewater College for his or her vocational and/or professional achievements. Attention is also given to recognition the individual has received in his or her given profession.


Section 1. Distinguished Alumnus/a Award. In 1944, the Executive Committee of the Bridgewater College Alumni Association approved a plan whereby the Association each year would recognize some outstanding alumnus/a by appropriate ceremony and award. At the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Association, November 18, 1944, approval was given to the committee on alumni awards as to the standards and principles to be used in making this annual award.

The following principles were adopted in 1944 and modified by vote of the Board of Directors in October 2001:
A. The main principles to keep in mind as fundamental in presentation of the annual award are vocational and/or professional achievements.
B. In considering vocational and/or professional achievements, attention should be given to recognition given with the vocation or profession in terms of advancement, unusual accomplishments and the spirit of service.
C. Attention should be given from year to year to rotation among the various vocations and/or professions.

In October 1951, the Board of Directors adopted the report of a committee to study the alumni awards which recommended certain revisions.

A. The Executive Committee will make but one nomination to the directors. This nomination will be subject to a ballot by the directors. Should the nominee be rejected, the award will not be made in that year.
B. Daleville College and Blue Ridge College Alumni will be eligible for the award on the same basis as Bridgewater College Alumni.
C. An alumnus/a need not be a degree graduate to be eligible for the award. However, an alumnus/a holding a bachelor’s degree from  another institution is not eligible for the award unless he/she also holds a bachelor’s degree from Bridgewater College.

Recipient Year
D. Kirk Ways ‘73 2024
John Cox ’88 2023
Jeffrey Bourne ’81 2022
Chris A. Lumsden ’80 2021
* Richard A. Claybrook Jr. ’74 2020
William K. Brower ’78 2019
Bruce W. Bowen ’72 2018
Audrey Puckett Church ’80 2017
Robert R. Newlen ’75 2016
Ira G. Peters ’74 2015
Douglas A. Allison ’85 2014
Ronald V. Cox ’59 2013
Elizabeth A. Mumper ’76 2012
Carol Smith Fenn ’79 2011
George S. Agee ’74 2010
James H. Benson ’65 2009
John R. Milleson ’78 2008
Franklin E. Huffman ’55 2007
Edward E. Clark ’73 2006
Donald G. Simmons ’62 2005
Stuart R. Suter ’63 2004
John A. Plumb ’60 2003
* Dale Birkle Dreer ’77 2002
John C. Harshbarger ’57 2001
Diane V. Brown ’66 2000
* A. LeRoy Baker ’61 1999
* Otis D. Kitchen ’53 1998
John H. Riew ’55 1997
* Donald E. Wampler ’59 1996
* Mervin L. Trail ’55 1995
* Ben F. Wade ’57 1994
* Max H. Myers ’58 1993
* Paul H. Bowman 1934 1992
* C. Ray Smith ’56 1991
James L. Keeler ’57 1990
Richard M. Petre ’57 1989
* W. Wallace Hatcher ’55 1988
* Raymond A. Bussard ’54 1987
Paul V. Phibbs ’64 1986
* Edith Kern 1941 1985
Pasco M. Bowman ’55 1984
* Warren B. Crummett 1943 1983
Earl W. Fike Jr. ’51 1982
* William L. Brown 1936 1981
* Jesse H. Ziegler 1935 1980
* Carson L. Fifer 1924 1979
* Ralph S. Wolfe 1942 1978
* Samuel L. Bowman 1934 1977
* C. E. May 1924 1976
* R. Douglas Nininger 1928 1975
* Katherine Flory Blough 1917 1974
* C.E. Shull 1913 1973
* John W. Boitnott 1925 1972
* Paul W. Petcher 1943 1971
* William H. Row 1933 1970
* Reuel B. Pritchett 1911 1969
* Winston O. Weaver 1947 1968
* Raymond R. Peters 1928 1967
* Lula A. Miller 1922 1966
* Nelson T. Huffman 1925 1965
* Warren D. Bowman 1920 1964
* Maurice K. Henry 1936 1963
* H. Leroy Scharon 1938 1962
* J. Quinter Miller 1921 1961
* Edward K. Ziegler 1929 1960
* Everette L. May 1935 1959
* John W. Wayland 1899 1958
* Robert E. Richards 1947 1957
* Walter S. Flory 1928 1956
* Paul H. Bowman 1910 1955
* Louis G. Locke 1933 1954
* Rufus D. Bowman 1923 1953
* R. Paul Smith 1909 1952
* John T. Glick 1915 & * Effie Evers 1911 Glick 1951
* Jacob B. Harshbarger 1928 1950
* Robert Burns 1916 1949
* William T. Sanger 1909 1948
* Michael R. Zigler 1916 1947
* Carter V. Good 1918 1946
* Paul N. Garber 1919 1945

* – Deceased

West-Whitelow Humanitarian Service Award

The West-Whitelow Humanitarian Service Award was established to annually recognize one alumnus/a who engages in volunteer acts of service that fall outside the requirements of their vocation. This award has been created to honor those who improve their communities—and we define community broadly to encompass global issues as well—without consideration for remuneration or recognition.  


Section 2. West-Whitelow Award for Humanitarian Service

The following principles were established in 2002 in honor of Naomi Miller West ‘29, and Carlyle Whitelow ‘59, whose extraordinary records of humanitarian service will continue to set the example for future generations of Bridgewater College Alumni:

Public Service

  • The nominee performs significant public service, typically outside the realm of his/her chosen vocation, with little or no tangible
  • The nominee’s public service may constitute acts which enhance
    community well-being, and/or a commitment to promote the
    betterment of humanity.

B. Leadership

  • The nominee demonstrates leadership through action and example.

C. Volunteerism

  • The nominee demonstrates tireless efforts of giving in time and talent to his/her community, be it local or world-wide.

Awarded for the first time in 2003

Recipient Year
Janice Plank Gutshall ‘83 2024
Taryn Nida Lloyd ’95 2023
Darean Talmadge ’17 2022
Kristi E. Titus ’94 2021
Bradley S. Hallock ’86 2020
Harold H. “Hal” Hedley Jr. ’70 2019
Steve Hollinger ’70 2018
Gabriella Caballero-Moersfelder ‘86 2017
Nancy Moore Link ’57 2016
Kimberly A. Kirkwood ’83 2015
Bruce H. Elliott ’76 2014
The Knight Family: Aubrey Lee Knight ’78, Esther Elswick Knight ’78, Emily Knight Wilson ’05 and Justin A. Knight ’08 2013
Kenneth M. Heatwole ’79 2012
Linda Knight Wilson ’67 2011
Robert Jeffrey Postans ’79 2010
Dr. Byron A. Brill ’69 2009
David Richard Radcliff ’75 2008
N. Paige Will ’55 2007
*Dr. Anne Haynes Price Fike ’57 2006
Cheryl Lackey Fairchilds ’68 2005
Beverly Wampler Lineweaver ’57 2004
* Naomi Miller West ’29 & Carlyle Whitelow ’59 2003

* – Deceased

Young Alumnus/a Award

The Young Alumnus/a Award was established to annually recognize one or more alumnus/a of Bridgewater College, who has not yet reached the age of 40, for his or her vocational and/or professional achievements. Attention is also given to recognition the individual has received in his or her given profession. In that regard, the award is also intended to identify and affirm the potential for even more remarkable achievements.


Section 4. Young Alumnus/a Award

The principles and procedures will be the same as those followed in the Distinguished Alumnus/a Award except that the candidate(s) should be age 39 or under, and except further that with respect to vocational and/or professional achievements, the potential for future achievements of the candidate may be considered.

Recipient Year
Micaela Weaver ‘09 2024
Laura Billhimer Fike ’06 2023
Daryl Lee Funk ’04 2022
Jennifer A. Murray ’04 2021
Laura Boyd Farmer ’03 2020
Jason M. Ridlon ’02 2019
James J. Mahoney III, PH.D ’03 2018
Kasey L. Garrison ’05 2017
Holly Wagner Fowler ’01 2016
Philip Fisher Rhodes ’06 2015
Christian M. Saunders ’99 2014
J. Christian “Chris” Obenshain ’00 2013
Emila Sutton ’02 2012
Cheryl Mary Mascarenhas ’97 2011
Lance M. Kenney ’95 2010
Jeffrey K. Miller ’93 2009
Allen David Ervin ’91 2008
Cindy Pearson Ferek ’96 & Aaron M. Garber ’95 2007
Iliana Ilieva Lundblad ’96 & Eric W. Varnau ’93 2006
Julie C. Hensley ’97 2005
Matthew B. Garber ’90 & Sarah Ann Smith Greenleaf ’99 2004
D. Cory Adamson ’91 & Darla Kay Bowman Deardorff ’92 2003
Wolfgang Drechsler ’85 & Sandra Ingram Speakman ’96 2002
Michael Del Giudice ’84 2001
Martha Kline Allen ’84 & Stephan W. Milo ’83 2000
Curtiss M. Dudley ’83 & * Gina L. Popp ’86 1999
Sean Roger O’Connell ’85 & Jean Willi ’80 1998
Kenneth Stuart Stroupe Jr. ’89 & Deborah Layman Will ’83 1997
* Mary Beth Craig Lambert ’82 & Robert Edward Wolfe ’80 1996
Martha Teets Reish ’78 & George John Willi ’76 1995
* Mary Jo Flory-Steury ’78 & Robert I. Stolzman ’83 1994
Donna Price Walker ’75 & Jonathan D. W. Lyle ’79 1993
Beverly Smith Butterfield ’79 & Lawrence M. Johnson ’75 1992
Catherine G. Stivers ’79 & Chris A. Lumsden ’80 1991
Edward E. Clark Jr. ’73 & Robert R. Newlen ’75 1990
Lynn Hoff Mahovsky ’76 1989
* Richard A. Claybrook Jr. ’74  & * Karl P. Flora ’71 1988
Stephen H. Ip ’70 1987
G. Steven Agee ’74 1986
Theodore W. Flory ’70 & J. Samuel Zigler, Jr. ’68 1985
Moses H. W. Chan ’67 & Lynn Naff Myers ’70 1984
Glenn Reid Barnhart ’73 1983
Phillip C. Stone ’65 1982
Nathan Huff Miller ’65 1981
Ellen Kay Layman ’65 1980

* – Deceased

Honorary Alumni

The honorary alumnus/a designation is used to recognize special friends of Bridgewater College and the Alumni Association. An honorary alumnus/a is nominated by the College President, and referred to the Alumni Association Board of Directors’ Executive Committee for review and recommendation to the Board of Directors for action.

The honorary alumnus/a designation is used to recognize special friends of Bridgewater
College and the Alumni Association. An honorary alumnus/a is nominated by the College
President and referred to the Alumni Association Board of Directors’ Executive
Committee for review and recommendation to the Board of Directors for action.
An appropriate certificate signed by the College President and the Alumni Association
President will be prepared for presentation at an appropriate ceremony. The Board
recognizes that circumstances (for example, illness, age, travel arrangements, etc.) may
suggest presentation prior to Board action. In such cases, the College President, the
Alumni Association President and the Alumni Association Executive Director may proceed
and report to the Board such actions.

Section 7. Honorary Alumni

The honorary alumnus/a designation is used to recognize special friends of Bridgewater College and the Alumni Association. An honorary alumnus/a is nominated by the College President and referred to the Alumni Association Board of Directors’ Executive Committee for review and recommendation to the Board of Directors for action.

An appropriate certificate signed by the College President and the Alumni Association President will be prepared for presentation at an appropriate ceremony. The Board recognizes that circumstances (for example, illness, age, travel arrangements, etc.) may suggest presentation prior to Board action. In such cases, the College President, the Alumni Association President and the Alumni Association Executive Director may proceed and report to the Board such actions.


* Mary Grace Martin
* Carolyn C. Driver
* Ralph L. Shively
* Mary Spitzer Etter
Bonnie Lou May Wampler
* Daniel S. Geiser
* Sara S. King
Ann C. Will
* John Kenny Forrer ’31
Joyce A. Nolen
Laura Mapp

* – Deceased

Phillip C. Stone Award for Exemplary Service to the College

The Phillip C. Stone Award for Exemplary Service was established to recognize an alumnus/a, living or deceased, who represents the high ideals of the College and who, through time and talent, has made exemplary contributions to the College.


Section 3. Phillip C. Stone Award for Exemplary Service to the College

The following principles were adopted:
A. Consideration should be given to the nominee’s effort to further the ideals and mission of the College through his or her exemplary service to the College.
B. Consideration should be given to the length of service, the number of alumni affected, and the extent to which the service has impacted the College.

The procedures for awarding the Phillip C. Stone Award for Exemplary Service to the College will be the same as those followed in the Distinguished Alumnus/a Award (set forth in Paragraph 3; Section 1 of Appendix 2).

Established and first awarded in 2010, named in honor of Phillip C. Stone


Phillip C Stone ‘65
Roy W. Ferguson
* Lowell A. Miller ‘40
Guy Benjamin Wampler ’82 & Sherrie K. Wampler ’85

* – Deceased

Citizenship Award

The Citizenship Award is given annually to a graduating senior in recognition of their good citizenship and contributions to the BC campus community. 


Section 2. The Citizenship Award

The purpose of the Citizenship Award is to present an award to a senior who will not be receiving much recognition for his/her work in school activities.  However, the award should be given to the person who is most qualified. The award has no monetary value.

A student recognized with this award should display:

A. Good citizenship
B. Contributions to class, other extra‑curricular activities, and the college community.
C. Grade point average should not be a determining factor.

Recipient Year
Benjamin Riddle 2023
Tyrone Warren II 2022
Annabell Knapp 2021
Anh Nguyen 2020
Courtney Hawkins 2019
Kathleen Springer 2018
Cameron Thurston 2017
Romario Blackwood 2016
Daniel A. Hess 2015
Jennifer L. Pivar 2014
John L. Krehbiel, Jr. 2013
Holly D. Knupp 2012
Matthew R. Limbrick 2011
Michael C. Withrow 2010
Whitney C. Hobson 2009
Ashley N. Campbell 2008
Brandon M. Showalter 2007
Timothy A. Beckwith 2006
Jonathan E. Small 2005
Natalie K. Nicholas 2004
Charity Tyree Hale 2003
Elizabeth Pietrzyk Ridlon 2002
Cynthia M. Lemberg 2001
Abhik S. Mitra 2000
Kristen Bennett Eaton 1999
Karen Monger Reeder 1998
* Ashlie E. Knight 1997
Lynette Sue Ginder Ferguson 1996
Dale LeRoy Foster 1995
Florence M. Williams 1994
Melissa Conner Szulkowski 1993
Monisha Menon 1992
Roger E. Glick 1991
Deena M. Wheeler Jackson 1990
Virginia Foster King 1989
Tessie Lynn Neff Lam 1988
Gregory S. Quintrell 1987
Jerry Anne Thompson Kines 1986
Troy M. Glembot 1985
Anne Catherine Canfield Ball 1984
Kimberly A. “Missy” Kirkwood 1983
Laura E. MacPherson-McDonald 1982
Rebecca Rae Hill-Shifflett 1981
Nancy Smith Mohlmann 1980
Chris R. Ryan 1979
Anita Ly Hall Waters 1978
John D. Fleishman 1977
Lynn Kay Hoff Mahovsky 1976
Rebecca Sue Phillippe Hamill 1975
Elizabeth Williard Conine 1974
James A. Hodges 1973
Joanne Barron 1972

* – Deceased

Merlin and Dorothy Faw Garber Award for Christian Service

The Merlin E. ‘36 and Dorothy Faw Garber ‘33 Christian Service Award was named for the late Dr. Merlin Garber and his wife, Dorothy. They were Bridgewater College alumni and were deeply involved in the life of the Church of the Brethren as pastors. They also shared a great interest in travel and learning from people from all over the world. The award is intended to honor outstanding Christian service. 

1999  Myron Shipman Miller ’47
Jonathan Lee Brush ’99

2000  James Milton Bryant ’59
Christopher W. Zepp ’00

2006  Janet Estep Whetzel ’61

2008  Dale V. and Claire Gilbert (’78) Ulrich
Daniel L. Rudy ’08

2009  Ellen K. Layman ’65

2010  L. Clyde Carter Jr. ’56
Jessica Flory Steury ’10

2012   Judy Mills Reimer

2013   Robert E. Alley ‘69
Tyler J. Goss ’13

2014  Mary Jo Flory-Steury ’78
Jennifer Jewell ‘14

2015  Fred Swartz ‘58
Emily Birr ’15

2016  Miller Davis ’65
Melissa McMindes ’16

2017 Fred Bowman ’46
Megan LaPrade ’17

2018 Mary Cline Detrick ’61
Kathleen Springer ’18

2019 Andy Murray ’64
Christa Craighead ’19

2021  Noah Flint ’21

2022  Scott Duffey, ’75
Morgan Pangle ’22

2023 Carl Fike ’78
Seth Spire ’23

2024 Paul Mundey P’04
Elizabeth “Lizzie” Mumbert ‘24

Recent Award and Recognition News