Home Academics Faculty Finder Dr. Stanley A. Galloway

Dr. Stanley A. Galloway

Dr. Stanley A. Galloway

Professor of English

  • Host of the annual Poetry Jam and the bi-annual Bridgewater International Poetry Festival

Department: English

Stan Galloway received a B.A. from Northwest Nazarene College, an M.A. from Kansas State University and a Ph.D. from the University of Kansas. He has been with Bridgewater College since 1993.

Contact information

Education and certifications

  • Education:

    Ph.D., University of Kansas; M.A., Kansas State University; B.A., Northwest Nazarene University

Teaching Fields

  • English

Expertise and Topics

To inquire about scheduling a speaker or topic, contact the Bridgewater College Media Relations team at mediarelations@bridgewater.edu.

Speakers Bureau

  • Edgar Rice Burroughs and Tarzan

    A discussion of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ life and how it contributed to the development of his most famous literary character, Tarzan.

Research areas and specializations

  • Poetry, Tarzan and Edgar Rice Burroughs, science fiction and popular culture, African literature, Ibsen

Personal interests

  • Poetry, hiking, swimming, gardening, outdoor activities